
The dance project you did in the GP was so good that it was suggested to you to submit it to a local dance studio who is looking for a poster for their reception area. In your blog, write a brief proposal to the studio director telling them why your design is so good.

I think you will like my desighn because it is unique and you can read the text. When people look at my picture it makes them want to get up and dance. It also shows a little bit of culture and history with the 50's looking people. Also the backround image is a picture of jazz danceing when it was first introduced.


Chapter 7 Post

Your friend, Nathaniel Bartholomew Andercrinobli, is new to Photoshop. Unfortunately, he could not fit Mr. Asmus's fabulous Photoshop class into his schedule. He asks you about layer masks. Of course you are now the expert, so you offer to enlighten him on how layer masks are created and how they are used. However, rather than verbalizing this, you tell him he can find this information in your blog.

Layer mask's make it so you can block out some parts of an image and just show parts of it. Layer mask's arent that hard to use, you just select the part of the image you want to see then create the mask. Then it will show only what you want. You could probably select a image then select inverse and erase everything else in a image but layer masking works too.

Chapter 5 Post

I think this image has good text because of the glow. The glow goes good with the backround and you can read the text easily.
This image has bad text to me. You cannot read the text because it matches the backround almost. The beveal and emboss and texture helped a little bit but you still can't read it. If the text was a different color or had a stroke or glow you could read it better and the text would be good. It also matter's to me where you put the text so that you can see the image and read the text. The text is in a good place to me, but I think it should maybe be in the bottom left corner or something.


Chapter 6 Design Project

Your Design Project should be done in your blog. Navigate in your browser to Digital Art Museum. Select a picture from this site that intrigues you. Put a link to the picture in your blog, then tell us what Photoshop techniques the artist may have used to create this picture.

Site : http://ch6dp.cjb.net/
This image was the first one i saw that i liked. He probably used a bunch of filters to make this. I think he might have used a picture with a low opacity and distorted it for those colors. I'm not very sure how people make things like that but I think it's cool and wan't to learn for my self.


Chapter 4 post

Research one online article about Photoshop and write a short summary on the article. Include the title and address of the article.

Adobe's Creative Evolution
The article was about how big photoshop is and how many new tools the new one has. It tells you uses for some of the new tools and shows you an example of something you can do with the tool. It also talks about how much photoshop cost's and other programs that come in the Creative Suite 2.

Chapter 3 post

Write about how you might use Photoshop in your future.

I might use photoshop in a job I might have but I don't know what i'm doing in my future so I have no idea what i might use it for. If I did get a job where I use photoshop to design graphics or ads it would be cool because I kinda like photoshop. But I don't really know any jobs where you would use photoshop that I would like because I kinda like to do my own thing most of the time.

Chapter 2 post

Write about one new process you learned in this chapter. Include how you perform the process and why it is important in Photoshop.

It told me how to set layers in a way that things can be under/above a image or text. Also it told me how to add effects to text like a drop shadow or glowing text. I didn't learn much but I improved on this skill.


Chapter 1 post

Write about your initial thoughts about the class and about Photoshop.

I didn't really think I would learn much from photoshop except the things I don't usually use. I thought this class would be fun and I could learn new things. I bet later in the book there will be something that I will learn about that I didn't know. I thought the class would have more instruction in it but I like how it's self paced.